Saturday, March 5, 2011

Workplace Accident Claim

How to File a Workplace Accident Claim

By Mariah Cole

Have you been injured due to a work accident? Do you want to get your deserved compensation as soon as possible? Do you need help to file a workplace accident claim? If your answers are yes then you have come to the right place. The following paragraphs will elaborate on some easy steps through which you can get maximum compensation for a workplace accident claim.

Step #1 - The claimant should get workplace injuries treated as soon as possible. If the employer has set a protocol for workplace injuries then the claimant should follow the protocol and get his injuries treated by the doctor at work first. Depending on the severity of injuries the doctor at work will prescribe medications or he will ask the claimant to visit a specialist. Claimants should remember that even minor injuries should be treated and symptoms like pain in the back should never be ignored.

Step #2 - The claimant should report the accident to his supervisor before leaving work. The supervisor will enter the accident's details into an official record book. This record book ensures that all accidents are recorded for official purposes and this book helps employers examine why accidents are occurring at work. The claimant should ensure that details of the workplace accident are recorded in this book as soon as possible since by waiting too long the claimant may risk the possibility of a rejected claim.

Step #3 - To get maximum compensation for a workplace accident claim the claimant should keep a record of all his physical symptoms. The claimant should also keep a record of the dates he visited the doctor. The claimant should also collect documents to help the claimant prove that he suffered a personal injury due to the workplace accident. Documents that will need to be submitted along with the workplace accident claim include current medical records, treatment records with diagnosis, treatment bills, prescriptions and treatment receipts.

Step #4 - Before filing the workplace injury claim the claimant should consult a personal injury solicitor. By consulting a personal injury solicitor the claimant will get a better understanding of his rights. The solicitor will also help the claimant out with the claim application and the solicitor will point out of any mistakes have been made. In addition the solicitor will make copies of the above proofs, help the claimant find a witness who has seen the accident, represent the claimant in court and negotiate with adjusters. The solicitor will also help the claimant settle out of court if needed. Claimants should be aware that since most solicitors offer no win no fee services, claimants do not have to pay any legal fees unless otherwise stated. No win no fee services allow claimants to get free help if they win or lose the claim.

If you need additional help to file a workplace accident claim then visit this website for free legal help -

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